#018 — Links O’ The Week
Hope everyone’s having a great weekend! Here’s my favorite articles I read this week.
Carnival of Personal Finance
My article on What We Learn from Tragedy was selected for the 192nd Carnival of Personal Finance.
Thanks to Canadian Personal Finance Blog for the selection!
Links O’ The Week
PT from Prime Time Money gives us 15 Things You Should Never Pay For. Well, actually 14, but who’s counting?
Bargaineering posted an article on the Basics of Retirement Planning.
Then again, Crackerjack Greenback’s 100th blog post has him Rethinking Retirement.
Learn Financial Planning says Your Car is Not an Investment.
My Dollar Plan provides us The Ultimate Tax Resource.
Get Rich Slowly tells us of Bankrate’s 2009 Tax Guide.
We’re all beginning to save because we have too much consumer debt, but the government wants us to spend & borrow to keep the economy going? Consumerism Commentary discusses The Paradox of the Thrift.
The Digerati Life asks for discussion on Obama’s Foreclosure Bailout Plan. I happily obliged and participated in the comments!
Children & Family
Need to explain the bad economy to your children? My Two Dollars gives us a post called Money Management Advice from My 9 Year Old.
Frugal Dad talks real life issues regarding More Adult Children Moving Back Home.
The Simple Dollar writes that he is still struggling with choosing a guardian for his children.
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photo by visulogik