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Text Donations for Haiti: 90-Day Wait?

January 14th, 2010

In the wake of the Haitian earthquake disaster, let’s interrupt my current series to focus on how we can help.

Flexo, a blogger for Consumerism Commentary wrote a great article with good advice on how and where to contribute safely to the Haiti Disaster.  In his article, he cites NPR’s report that donations via text message that charge your phone bill may take as long as 90 days to be received by the Red Cross!

Responsible Giving

To avoid scams and prevent delays in your donations, give directly to a charity’s website, and give only to established charities whose values align with yours.  A quick 5 or 10 minute Internet search is well worth it.

If you’re looking for a place to donate, here’s a few reputable charities that are heavily involved in Haiti that I recommend:

Food For The Poor – this is where I contributed.  A great organization that has been in Haiti for years.

Samaritan’s Purse – recommended by Jon Acuff from Stuff Christians Like.



The Haitian-American Friendship Foundation


Two orphanages already operating in Haiti (via Hugh Hewitt website):

God’s Littlest Angels

Mercy & Sharing

Feel free to post other reputable charities in the comments below.

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